Abbott Meter Reimbursement Program

Learn how this topic works in Propel Rx

The Abbott Reimbursement Program is a drug plan is available to all stores, and all claims made will be adjudicated through TELUS Health Assure. Below are the six PINs that are included and the amount that will be paid for them:

Meter Name TELUS PIN Total Reimbursement Amount
FreeStyle Lite Meter 00990970 $54.99
FreeStyle Freedom Lite Meter 00990971 $54.99
Precision Xtra Meter 00990972 $54.99
FreeStyle Precision Neo Meter 00990974 $54.99
FreeStyle InsuLinx Meter 00990975 $65.00
FreeStyle Lancets 00990998 $13.49

To Enter the Abbott Third Party Information:

  1. Search for and select the patient you wish to enter third party information for.
  2. Select the 3rd Party tab.
  3. Select the Add button.
  4. In the Bill Code column enter A3 and select the Search button.
  5. Select Abbott Reimbursement and select the OK button.
  6. The following information will display by default:
    • Relationship: Cardholder
    • Carrier ID: 80
    • Group ID: 330000
  7. In the Client ID field, enter the last 8 digits of the serial number from the warranty card.

Note: All meters will have 12 digits in the serial number. You must use ONLY the LAST 8 digits of the serial number, excluding all dashes and spaces (i.e. CEMU055-M3421 must be entered as 055M3421).

  1. In the Client ID field, enter 01 at the end of the serial number (e.g. 055M3421 should now read 055M342101).
  2. Select the Save button.