As organizations around the world prepare for a potential increase in cyberattacks linked to the situation in Ukraine, we want to share important reminders on how PTS helps you stay vigilant. Your entire team plays a critical role to keep your business, your customers, and your patients cyber safe.


Phishing attacks

Phishing emails are typically linked to current events and create a heightened sense of urgency for the recipient to respond immediately to the request. Currently, phishing emails related to COVID-19, donating to the situation in Ukraine and tax season are very common.


What can you do?

Your continued awareness and actions are a crucial part of preventing cybersecurity attacks. When it comes to keeping your cyber skills sharp, keep these tips top of mind:

  1. Promptly report suspicious emails
  2. Use strong passwords
  3. Think before you click
  4. Be careful with emails and mobile text messages
  5. Beware of unexpected Multi-Factor Authentication requests


What else can you do?

PTS is committed to providing robust business continuity solutions that protect the safety, security, and integrity of your pharmacy. Business continuity is about having a plan to manage difficult situations (e.g. fire, flood & cyber attacks) so your pharmacy can continue to support patients with as little disruption as possible. Solutions like:

  1. Cybersecurity  Keeps confidential files protected and safe
  2. LTE Backup  Your business remains connected no matter what happens
  3. EVault  Ensures your data safe and recovery automatic
  4. Store-to-Store VPN  Allows you to operate your business from any location
  5. Remote Access  Enables your entire team to safely and securely from any location

The key to achieving peace of mind and security is having a business continuity plan in place should the unthinkable happen. Coupled with ongoing education with your pharmacy team on cybersecurity is your best bet to ensuring that the threat of a cyberattack never becomes your reality.

If you're been putting it off, now's the time to schedule a chat with one of our team members. Invest your time with a 15 minute phone call and explore your options.






Diana joined PTS in fall of 2020 as their Product Marketing Specialist. Diana’s passionate about how storytelling and messaging create value-add, business changing content. She enjoys collaborating with her team to achieve results. When Diana’s not busy writing, she’s exploring the local forest trails near her home north of Toronto, Ontario.