You may be wondering what the learning path to Propel Rx looks like. Rest assured the transition will be easy. You’re already an expert with PharmaClik Rx, and learning Propel Rx will be second nature.


The top 5 things you need to know when learning Propel Rx:


Propel Rx will have a self-directed learning path that includes eLearning, videos, guided demos, hands-on simulations, links to online help, and live Q&A sessions. 

This will appeal to different types of learners and allow Pharmacy team members to learn about Propel Rx at their own pace when it’s convenient for them.


Enhancements have been made with you in mind, to support the needs of you and your evolving business.



Multiple sessions and a new contextual bar will allow for quick access to information where and when you need it.



We are here to support you!



Sign up for the newsletter. Be the first to know about new features, enhancements and scheduled sessions. The link to sign up can be found at the bottom of this article. 



My Experience


I’ve been using Propel Rx during its development, and I was easily able to fill a prescription from start to finish. My biggest learning curve was in the New Rx Window, as the fields for Doctor and Drug are inverted. After processing one or two prescriptions, I adjusted quickly. This change was implemented to keep consistency in the New Rx window and in Rx Detail.

If you were to ask me what I thought my biggest challenge was going to be, I would have said the navigator buttons along the left. Admittedly, I didn’t think twice about it.


What's Next


Propel Rx will be like riding a bike. It’s built from the same platform and very intuitive. PTS will continue to develop Propel Rx to meet your needs, while you’re able to focus on what matters most: better patient outcomes.



Bio Image Robin SweetingABOUT THE AUTHOR

Robin brings 20+ years of experience in community pharmacy from both a corporate and independent setting. She's passionate about patient care and believes that investing in clientele and building relationships leads to patient retention and overall customer satisfaction. In Robin’s spare time, you’ll find her renovating her home and tending to her gardens. With any luck, the peonies she planted last fall will bloom!