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Propel Rx Articles



The Top 3 Benefits of Digital Workflow in Propel Rx


As the world moves to a digital footprint, pharmacy is no exception. Here are the top three benefits of implementing digital workflow in your pharmacy and reducing paper... Read more


Propel Rx screen shot of what the Intake Window looks like


3 Things to START Doing in the Intake Window


4 Things to STOP Doing in Propel Rx

Propel Rx has enhanced the Intake window to streamline data entry. Here are 3 things to START doing in the Intake window... Read more

  Here are four things you may be doing in Propel Rx and what we recommend instead to save you time, grow your business, and support your patients...  Read more

Pharmacist holding a notebook


Propel Rx screen shot of The Retail Learning Academy

Better Learning Experiences


Propel Rx Learning Explained

We value your feedback and have take steps to implement many recommendations for our Propel Rx eLearning, making impactful improvements to your learning experience... Read more


Learning Propel Rx has been simplified. A series of eLearning modules has been developed to give pharmacies the tools they need to be successful in navigating Propel Rx before the upgrade... Read more


Pharmacist making a mixture


Blurred screen shot of a shelf of items in a pharmacy

Top 3 Trends in Propel Rx


The Retail Learning Academy

We asked pharmacies, "what features are you enjoying most about Propel Rx?". The results are in. Find out what they said... Read more


The Retail Learning Academy is the PTS in-house online learning platform that offers courses and recorded webinars for our PTS offerings... Read more


Zoomed in picture of a pharmacist holding a notebook



What You  Need to Know About Learning Propel Rx


Understanding Your Upgrade & When to expect Propel Rx in your province

Excitement has been building around the training required for Propel Rx. Trust me, we share your excitement!... Read more


Get all the guidance you'll need to understand the when, why, and how of your upgrade... Read more


Cupcake with a candle in it


surprised male holding their hands over their mouth

What to Expect on Your First Day with Propel Rx


5 Surprising (and Helpful) Tips About Propel Rx You May Not Have Known

Propel Rx is rolling out to pharmacies across the country! A local store was optimistic and eager to see if Propel Rx lived up to the hype... Read more


Propel Rx offers solutions to help you run your business smarter and faster. Discover surprising (and helpful) tips about Propel Rx you may not have known... Read more


Happy Pharmacist resting elbows on counter


Pharmacist smiling while taking a note

5 Things You Need to Know When Learning Propel Rx


Your Workday is About to Get Better

You’re probably wondering what the learning path looks like, and rest assured the transition will be easy. You’re already an expert with PharmaClik Rx, and learning Propel Rx will be second nature... Read more


You can count on Propel Rx to deliver smart, flexible and dependable features like these … plus a whole lot more... Read more


Smiling pharmacist standing in front of stocked shelves


Computer screen with bolt of light radiating out from it.

7 Signs You're Ready for Propel Rx


Propel Rx: Not Your Ordinary Upgrade

Every pharmacy is unique. There is no single indicator that says, “you need to upgrade now!”, however, pharmacies often face similar challenges... Read more


Today we have the technology to do things we couldn’t do in the past.  All the enhancements made have been developed with you in mind, to support your patients and to enable your pharmacy’s growth... Read more



Propel Rx Simplified


Make Way for Propel Rx: Your Guide to Sunsetting

We’ve curated the most important content you need to save you time. If you’re going to read or watch anything… these are the key resources you’ll need... Read more


As we continue to prepare for the launch of Propel Rx, some features of PharmaClik Rx will be sunset to make way for new streamlined and enhanced features. .. Read more


Propel POS Articles




Propel POS Self-Chekout Demystified


Make Shopping in Your Store a More Rewarding Experience.

Despite the benefits and growing consumer demands, there are some misconceptions that we would like to clear up. Let's debunk the myths and educate ourselves on the truth behind self-checkout... Read more


Have you been considering a Customer Loyalty program but aren’t sure if it is right for your store or how to get started? Here are five key benefits to consider... Read more


Customer leaning over a counter using a debit machine


Experience The Joy of Giving


5 Year End Inventory Tips

Charitable collections can give your business a sense of purpose. It can strengthen your connection to your community and... Read more


Year-end inventory counting is a crucial process in a Retail Pharmacy for several reasons, each contributing to the overall efficiency, accuracy, and... Read more


Male hand scanning an item


hand holding a POS scanner

Propel POS Lite: Your Foot in the Door to Limitless Possibilities


How to Get the Most out of Your Propel POS System

Are you ready to experience a sneak peek into the incredible world of Propel POS? Say hello to Propel POS Lite... Read more


With so many beneficial features in Propel POS, here are five favourites that can make the day-to-day task of running a business so much easier... Read more



3 Reasons Why You Need a POS  Deliveries Solution


Propel POS Deliveries Solution is a Game Changer

Demand for deliveries has been accelerated by the global pandemic, with pharmacy owners challenged to expand services to their customers... Read more


Fast, safe and easy. Having a delivery app is more important than ever, allowing patients to order and receive medication without leaving home... Read more


Business Continuity Articles


business person's hand stopping dominos from falling


lock sitting on a computer keyboard

Expect the Unexpected, Because Business Continuity Matters


Five Timely Cyber Safety Tips

Banks, law firms, manufacturers, and technology companies. One thing they all have in common is well-defined business continuity plans... Read more


Your entire team plays a critical role in keeping your business, your customers, and your patients cyber safe... Read more



a collage of business continuity images

Get the Spare Keys to Your Business


4 Ways to Quickly Recover from Crisis and Minimize the Risk to Your Business

EVault and Cybersecurity are not interchangeable and do not offer the same protection, but together, they provide the stability and safety your business and customer deserve... Read More


Ensuring there's a recovery plan in place that reflects your business needs is the key to minimizing risks... Read More



Boost Productivity without being in the Pharmacy


In the course of a regular work week, being at an off-site location could mean many things: working from home, participating in rounds as part of a long-term care facility’s healthcare team, or working from another store in your small chain... Read More



PTS Hardware Articles




Best Practices for Cleaning & Disinfecting Computer Hardware


Best Practices for Cleaning Debit/Credit Devices

Keeping your computers and peripherals clean and sanitary is important for the health and safety of employees and customers... Read more


TD provides guidelines for keeping your debit/credit devices clean and functioning while protecting the functionality... Read More